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Recherches populaires: alimentation, anarcade, exportation, huile, sucre, textile +

Informatique > Services


    Catégorie(s) : services
    Ville : tunis aouina

    architecture -decoration- urbanisme -ingenierie

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    Catégorie(s) : services
    Ville : Paris

    maintenance informatique

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  • NIDITEXBelgique

    Catégorie(s) : services
    Ville : Forest

    Agent commercial offrant des services aux entreprises qui en ont besoin.

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    Catégorie(s) : services
    Ville : BIZERTE

    notre société preste des services aux entreprises et sociétés nottamant reception des chefs d'entreprises étrangers dés leurs entrée en Tunisie. réseration aux hôtels, location de voitures secrétariat, recherche de main d'oeuvre, assistance juri

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    Catégorie(s) : services
    Ville : Tunis

    on fait tout genre de services aux entreprises et au particuliers.

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  • PRESCOMCôte-d'Ivoire

    Catégorie(s) : services
    Ville : ABIDJAN

    Placement de personnel temporaire, transfert d'argent, travaux publics et bâtiments, négogce de produits agricoles, distribution de confiseries et jus de fruits.

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    Catégorie(s) : services
    Ville : givors


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    Catégorie(s) : services
    Ville : dbk

    relation commercail on algerie

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    Ville : Mulhouse

    Created in 2007, SARRAZHIN sarl is the Official – Exclusive - Representative for factories which are located in Belgium - Italy - Vietnam. We shall promote and sell their products in the Maghreb and the Middle East. The company's activities are mainly oriented towards the food -(Activity Code: 4690Z)- - our main business is confectionery - Chocolate in particular Prospecting customers by country Referencing customer – with all the détails presentation / promotion / sales of products by Country marketing strategy with the client - depending on the market - in partnership with the client development of advertising - Catalog – translation of the ingredients and document study of return customers - followed by the product in the market systematically meeting with customers and factories order management - from order to delivery - for the factories Prospecting customers by country Referencing customer – with all the détails presentation / promotion / sales of products by Country marketing strategy with the client - depending on the market - in partnership with the client development of advertising - Catalog – translation of the ingredients and document study of return customers - followed by the product in the market systematically meeting with customers and factories order management - from order to delivery - for the factories we are Officiel – exclusive - Representative for a manufacturer of chocolate spreads from Belgium – manufacturer of Pill with different flavors and nougats from Italia. we have listed a few factories specializing in confectionery and chocolate - in Europe - and seeks to dévellope their export sales – in exclusive partnership with our company we already export - for the year 2009 - to Algeria - our chocolate spreads - for a business volume of 486 000€ - a similar contract will be signed soon with importers - very seriously - in Morocco and Koweit. We currently have a good network of importers - distributors-in the Maghreb countries especially in Algeria and we are in discussion with several companies in the Middle East and particularly in Kuwait / Bahrain / Qatar for the sale of chocolate spreads. Hundreds of clients listed in two years - reliable, serious - importers / distributors in the confectionery – chocolate . They are in Kuwait – Qatar – UAE – Bahrain -Saudi Arabia – Algeria – Morocco – Tunisia for Arab countries Other countries : USA – New Zeland – South Africa - Japan At régional level – in France – We have a good knowledge of the markets - customs and habits of customers - from Arab countries. For Algeria : in 2007 study of the market on the ground for fifteen months - meeting of the main wholesalers - Importers - distributors - small and medium surface- Chocolate products on the market and conccurents - legislation imports - restriction - customers referrals In 2008 For other Arab countries the process was similar we are close to our customers and loyalty - to respond quickly to their needs - we work hard to gain market share and to be competitive with quality products -- We preserve the image and brand of Factories and defend their interests in the Arab countries.

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    Catégorie(s) : services
    Ville : Cotonou

    Promotion du développement de la production artisanale et industielle de la confection pour l'exportation

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