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Recherches populaires: cacao, exportation, gomme arabique, noix de cajou, sucre, textile +

A.B COMPANY Arabie saoudite
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If you don't mine, please let me define us, we are A.B COMPANY. UAE & Saudi company that specializes in Development by giving Large-Deal Financing to Companies, Factories, and also Governments out side the Kingdom & UAE. Thus, we have two ways of dealing; first, by financing way, we have three ways of Financing;

First, Privet Financing; through A.B COMPANY by it's own Investment Department IN UAE. Second, by the Saudi Development Fund, thus we have joined the SDF under commercial registration with Investment Corporations (Banks) that we have partnership with.

Second by cash way: we can deal with clients that need Saudi Products by cash and give them the Prices (C&F or CIF-Final Port) and we can deal with, Concerned Government Agencies, Manufacturers, Shipping Companies all the way to the final destination.

Our mission is to raise Saudi-Made exports, as known for their Competitive Quality along with our Competitive Fees and Long-Term Financing (Please take a look at the schedule to see the Financing-Terms we provide), and we give these great deals with the special credit facilities afforded by Saudi Export Development Center to importers outside the Kingdom. We will be pleased to be contacted by you if you have any questions for us.

Type of Financing
Type of Exports
Short term
Not exceeding ( 2) years including a grace period of 6-12 months
Consumable Goods, Foodstuff and Raw Materials
(excluding crude oil)

Medium term
Not exceeding (7) years including a grace period of 12-24 months
Durables & semi-capital goods, Consultancy & engineering services and maintenance services

Long term
Not exceeding (15) years including a grace period of 12-36 months
Capital Goods, projects and turn-key projects

Ville : KSA / UAE /
Région : DJEDDAH
Téléphone #1 : réservé aux membres
Téléphone #2 : réservé aux membres
Annuaire : immobilier, services financiers, import-export


Nom : moustapha
Prénom : ngom
Type de société : Société de services
Téléphone : réservé aux membres
Mobile : réservé aux membres
MSN : réservé aux membres
Skype : réservé aux membres