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Multibrands International Limited

All Multibrands high quality products are produced with you in mind. Each product designed to provide a more convenient and comfortable lifestyle.

Most of us take for granted the every day products we use and wouldn't give a second thought to them as we pass along the supermarket shelf. However, subconsciously we do have certain expectations about the performance of the products we buy.

At Multibrands we take care to ensure our products meet these expectations. Each of our products are carefully researched and developed to ensure the high quality and reliability we know customers expect is endemic within each brand.

You can be confident that each of our brands will perform to customers expectations, and that they provide exceptional value for money.

Adresse : Multibrands International Limited™ PO Box 11
Ville : Bradford
Téléphone #1 : réservé aux membres
Effectifs : 150 personnes
Annuaire : fournitures, grandes surfaces, import-export


Nom : Van Mullem
Prénom : Fabrice
Type de société : Producteur
Téléphone : réservé aux membres
Skype : réservé aux membres
Page facebook : réservé aux membres