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Recherches populaires: anarcade, ciment, exportation, gomme arabique, huile, minéraux +

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Created in 2007, SARRAZHIN sarl is the Official – Exclusive - Representative for factories which are located in Belgium - Italy - Vietnam.
We shall promote and sell their products in the Maghreb and the Middle East.
The company's activities are mainly oriented towards the food
-(Activity Code: 4690Z)-
- our main business is confectionery - Chocolate in particular
Prospecting customers by country
Referencing customer – with all the détails
presentation / promotion / sales of products by Country
marketing strategy with the client - depending on the market - in partnership with the client
development of advertising - Catalog –
translation of the ingredients and document
study of return customers - followed by the product in the market
systematically meeting with customers and factories
order management - from order to delivery - for the factories
Prospecting customers by country
Referencing customer – with all the détails
presentation / promotion / sales of products by Country
marketing strategy with the client - depending on the market - in partnership with the client
development of advertising - Catalog –
translation of the ingredients and document
study of return customers - followed by the product in the market
systematically meeting with customers and factories
order management - from order to delivery - for the factories
we are Officiel – exclusive - Representative for a manufacturer of chocolate spreads from Belgium – manufacturer of Pill with different flavors and nougats from Italia.
we have listed a few factories specializing in confectionery and chocolate - in Europe - and seeks to dévellope their export sales – in exclusive partnership with our company
we already export - for the year 2009 - to Algeria - our chocolate spreads - for a business volume of 486 000€ - a similar contract will be signed soon with importers - very seriously - in Morocco and Koweit.
We currently have a good network of importers - distributors-in the Maghreb countries especially in Algeria and we are in discussion with several companies in the Middle East and particularly in Kuwait / Bahrain / Qatar for the sale of chocolate spreads.

Hundreds of clients listed in two years - reliable, serious - importers / distributors in the confectionery – chocolate .
They are in Kuwait – Qatar – UAE – Bahrain -Saudi Arabia – Algeria – Morocco – Tunisia for Arab countries
Other countries : USA – New Zeland – South Africa - Japan

At régional level – in France –
We have a good knowledge of the markets - customs and habits of customers - from Arab countries.

For Algeria : in 2007 study of the market on the ground for fifteen months - meeting of the main wholesalers - Importers - distributors - small and medium surface- Chocolate products on the market and conccurents - legislation imports - restriction - customers referrals

In 2008 For other Arab countries the process was similar

we are close to our customers and loyalty - to respond quickly to their needs - we work hard to gain market share and to be competitive with quality products --

We preserve the image and brand of Factories and defend their interests in the Arab countries.

Adresse : 3 Boulevard de l'Europe
Ville : Mulhouse
Code postal : 68100
Région : Alsace
Téléphone #1 : réservé aux membres
E-mail : réservé aux membres
Web :
Code NAF/APE : 4690Z
Annuaire : import-export, services, service divers


Nom : Laachi
Prénom :
Type de société : Producteur