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Pixel Communication Group

Pixel Communication Group is more than a service provider, is a true partner. This partnership is conceived through long-term strategy and international development. The success is more than a good idea; it is an imperative that requires new strategies and creative, to serve your goals. Disclaimer: Each contact with clients reflects the image of a company. To meet the highest requirements in terms of reliability and security, we are working with teams of trained professionals and we adapt to your specific requirements. Quality: For us, the maximum quality is obvious. We carry guarantors’ thanks to highly skilled staff, operational and economic models that seek to permanently optimize and clarify the whole process. Transparency: Our operational models open and ensure compliance with the budget and general conditions set initially.

This means that there are no unexpected costs, or renegotiation of budgets and terms originally agreed upon. We accept we measure permanently on the basis of our results. Passion: Our people pass through their daily contacts, your values and your philosophy. They become true ambassadors of your company and your brand. We encourage that commitment and involvement by the global formations, by regular and certifications specific to each project, a genuine career opportunities and a corporate culture that promotes the integration of new staff.
Clairvoyance : A modern management of the customer relationship requires courage, an ambitious and innovative spirit. For you, we leave the beaten track and look for new ways that your department, your customer service and your assistance activities to meet the highest requirements.

Adresse : Centre Régional de Télétravail Mansoura
Ville : Kairouan
Code postal : 3131
Région : Kairouan
Téléphone #1 : réservé aux membres
Téléphone #2 : réservé aux membres
Fax #1 : réservé aux membres
Fax #2 : réservé aux membres
Web :
Effectifs : 14 personnes
Capital : 120 MD
Annuaire : télécommunications, services, communication


Nom : Hamdani
Prénom : Mohamed Jihed
Type de société : Trader
MSN : réservé aux membres
Skype : réservé aux membres