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Recherches populaires: cafe, céréales, gomme arabique, maïs, noix de cajou, noix de coco +


Description : • Un-roasted argan oil is used to treat skin diseases and as a cosmetic oil for skin and hair • In cosmetics, Argan oil is advocated as moisturizing oil, against acne vulgaris and flaking of the skin, as well as for 'nourishing' the hair • This oil has also medicinal uses against rheumatism and the healing of burns • Argan oil is used for hair as brilliantine • Improves skin appearance(Even if you don’t you have skin problems like acne, eczema, wrinkles or scarring, you can take advantage of Argan oil to improve your skin’s appearance, making it soft and supple.)

Détails du produit

Origine : Maroc Maroc
Délai de livraison : 2 à 7 jours
Commande minimale : 200
Annuaire : esthétique

Informations sur l'entreprise

Raison sociale : GOLD NATURAL
Pays : Maroc Maroc
Type de société : Producteur