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Description : Tunnel Width 700 mm. (550 mm. pack can pass through the tunnel) Tunnel Height 500 mm. (300 mm. pack can pass through the tunnel) Preparation Band Length (Width x Length) 600 x 600 mm. Interband Length (Width x Length) 600 x 600 mm. Tunnel Length 2000 mm Output Tape Length (Width x Length) 650 x 1000 mm. Sealing Unit Length 700 mm. Band Heights 85 5cm.(87,5cm. Other Bands) Belt Thickness: 3 mm. Total Machine Length 6000 mm. Coil Opener 1 1 Nylon The film opening unit automatically on the top and bottom with engine control Cutting and sealing stage adjustable from the button Speed Control (Min-Max, m/dak) 15 m/min. Adjustable Working Pressure (Atü) 8 Bar Electric Supply 380 V – 3 Faz 50 – 60 Hz. Electric Power (Kw) 25 Kw Sealing System Teflon-Coated Hot Mouth Heaters are in the side divisions of the tunnel Oven (Tunnel) Temperature Setting Programmable Digital Termostat Control The Number and Diameter of Turbo Fan Inside The Oven 1 Fan - 40 ø The Transport System Inside The Oven 10 Silicon Rods Number of Cooling Fan 1 pcs. Electrical Control Equipment ENDA, LG or SIEMENS Control System Automation ENDA Thermal Insulation Stone Wool (IZOCAM) Machine Protection Yes Emergencyl Stop Switch Yes Pneumatic System Yes PLC Touchscreen Yes Aluminium Cutting and Sealing Mouth Yes Easily Replaceable Resistance System Yes Pack Counter Yes Production Capacity 8 -10-12 Pack/min. (Changeable According to Product) Thermostat-Controlled Tunnel Temperature Yes Adjustable Conveyor Speed Yes Pneumatic System: ÖZÇAĞDAŞ

Détails du produit

Modèle : K2
Marque : ÖÇMS
Origine : Turquie Turquie
Capacité de production : unlimited
Délai de livraison : 1 bussiness day
Commande minimale : 1 Units
Certification : CE certificate
Incoterms : 2000
Mode de paiement : Cash in advance
Annuaire : mécanique, technologie, import-export

Informations sur l'entreprise

Raison sociale : ÖZçAğDAş MACHINE
Pays : Turquie Turquie
Type de société : Producteur