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Recherches populaires: anacarde, cacao, fruits tropicaux, huile de palme, noix de coco, sucre +


Description : ORIGINE: UKRAINE TYPE: SHINE SKIN («украинская многоплодная») SIZE mm. : all caliber MAX UNDERSIZE: 10% THE GOODS ARE FIT FOR HUMAN CONSUMPTION. ORGANOLEPTICAL CHARACTERISTICS APPEARANCE: Typical of pumpkinseeds in shell, brushed and aired COLOUR: Uniform and typical of pumpkinseeds, green kernel. ODOUR: Typical of pumpkinseeds, fresh, not rancid, without off-odours TASTE: Typical of pumpkinseeds, not rancid, without off-tastes HEALT AND HYGIENIC: Absence of foreign materials, live insects, traces of rodents or other pets. PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS PURITY: 99,9% BROKEN SEEDS: 1% max. STAINED SEEDS: 5% max. CHEMICAL CHARACTERISTICS MOISTURE: 9% max. PEROXIDE NUMBER < 2 meq O2/kg.

Détails du produit

Modèle : Shine Skin
Origine : Ukraine Ukraine
Délai de livraison : 10 days
Incoterms : FCA-DAP-CFR
Annuaire : agriculture, import-export

Informations sur l'entreprise

Raison sociale : M.A.R. PUMPKINSEEDS
Pays : Ukraine Ukraine
Type de société : Producteur