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Vous voulez IMPORTER

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Recherches populaires: bois, cafe, lait en poudre, maïs, noix de coco, or +


Description : The Pre Shipment Inspection (PSI), also called Final Random Inspection (FRI), will take place when at least 80% of the products are ready and packed into export cartons. You can of course specify when booking online that you want 100% of the products to be ready for this inspection. Where it take place ? The final random inspection or pre shipment inspection will take place at the factory, anywhere in China. In some case it could take place at the forwarder's premises or at the pier. The Pre Shipment Inspection (PSI) covers all possible on site checks of your products: product appearance (AQL), workmanship quality, safety and function, quantity, assortment, size measurements, weight check, functionality, accessories, labeling & logos, packaging and packing (including the shipping marks), and any other special requirements you may have. Our team of inspectors chooses a specific quantity of completed products - quantity according to - and inspects them according to your specifications, requirements and according to our protocols and expertise. After completion of the inspection, a fully detailed inspection report with pictures and comments is sent to you. Then you are able to Accept or Reject your shipment online. In case of a failed inspection you should consider using our and ask for a Re-inspection. For some tricky shipments you might also consider a full carton/ products Inspection. We also help you to find solutions with your supplier.

Détails du produit

Délai de livraison : The same day, less than 24h
Annuaire : import-export

Informations sur l'entreprise

Raison sociale : ASIA QUALITY FOCUS
Pays : Chine Chine
Effectif : 50 personnes
Type de société : Trader