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Description : The Defect Sorting Service (DSS) usually takes place after a failed inspection, usually after a failed DPI (During Production Inspection) or a failed PSI (Pre Shipment Inspection). The DSS can take place before or after the factory has reworked the products. For the Defect Sorting Service, the inspector will focus on a few specific points or defects and will open as many cartons as possible in order to check as many products as possible. The inspection report will only focus on the defective list of products. Why to perform a Defect Sorting Service? Because it is the only way to verify if the factory has correctly reworked the products, has correctly sorted out the previously spotted defective items. Because the China Quality Focus team will work hand in hand with your vendor in order to assure a non defective shipment.

Détails du produit

Délai de livraison : The same day, less than 24h
Annuaire : import-export

Informations sur l'entreprise

Raison sociale : ASIA QUALITY FOCUS
Pays : Chine Chine
Effectif : 50 personnes
Type de société : Trader