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Recherches populaires: bois, céréales, fruits tropicaux, gomme arabique, maïs, sésame +


Description : Our experienced social auditors, with 10 years of experience in Corporate Social Responsibility Audits, will check the factory according to international standards and the SA 8000 recognized standard. The audit includes the following check: • Child labor • Forced labor • Health & Safety • Freedom of association and right to bargain • Discrimination • Disciplinary practices • Working hours and Environment • Compensation • Management Systems. Following an audit, we issue a Corrective Action Plan, explaining the required improvements and corresponding timetable to the factory. Our approach is pragmatic and efficient. Why to perform a Corporate Social Audit ? Because dealing with a vendor who is not complying with international basic laws is not the right choice. Because starting a proactive sustainable procurement approach could be valuable for you and your clients. Because a communication campaign denouncing working conditions in your factory could be devastating for your brand.

Détails du produit

Délai de livraison : The same day, less than 24h
Annuaire : import-export

Informations sur l'entreprise

Raison sociale : ASIA QUALITY FOCUS
Pays : Chine Chine
Effectif : 50 personnes
Type de société : Trader