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Recherches populaires: céréales, farine de ble, figue de barbarie, gomme arabique, maïs, or +


Description : Quality and safety are essential elements in any product. Testing your product(s) according to required national or international standards helps to eliminate costly production errors and to ensure that your products comply with the required standards. Moreover, quality performances, regulatory compliances and the range of safety requirements that you must satisfy become more complex every day. Thus let us help you to get the right tests timely and for the right price. Indeed, thanks to our partnerships with local certified and accredited laboratories, you can outsource your product testing & lab tests with us, allowing you to save time & money. The tests are performed by our accredited & certified laboratory partners, such as: SGS, STR, ITS in their Chinese accredited branches in order to make you save money. Examples of international norms, standards and directives : RohS, Cadminium, EN71, CE certification, UL, ETL mark, Color fastness, Azo free, Care labeling, WEE, Phthalates, EN55013: 2001 A1:2003, EN60598, EMC compliance, compliance with the new CPSIA (Consumer Product Safety Act), ASTM F963, lead content etc.

Détails du produit

Délai de livraison : The same day, less than 24h
Annuaire : import-export

Informations sur l'entreprise

Raison sociale : ASIA QUALITY FOCUS
Pays : Chine Chine
Effectif : 50 personnes
Type de société : Trader