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Recherches populaires: bois, cafe, gomme arabique, noix de cajou, or, riz +


Description : In order to further achieve our commitment on quality & service, China Quality Focus has established several partnerships in Hong Kong, China and in the USA in order to provide you with the most professional quality assurance services. • Company verification: legal, finance, status, history. Do you want to check registration information, ownership, financial, litigation, credit recommendation, trademarks/patents, export license. • Multi Vendors coordination. • Intellectual Property (IP) Protection. • Final assembly. • 100% inspection at a third party plant. • Evaluation & Optimization of complex manufacturing processes according to the ISO 9001 standards. Please contact us to get more details or to get in touch with our partners providing these services.

Détails du produit

Délai de livraison : The same day, less than 24h
Annuaire : import-export

Informations sur l'entreprise

Raison sociale : ASIA QUALITY FOCUS
Pays : Chine Chine
Effectif : 50 personnes
Type de société : Trader