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Recherches populaires: anacarde, ciment, dattes, gomme arabique, maison prefabriquee, sésame +


Description : Grooved, the XylTECH® boards is non-slip, whether wet or dry, which enables it to be used in wet places such as around swimming pools and spas . It will not disintegrate, or form splinters, thus making it completely safe for children to walk on. The low expansion coefficient of the XylTECH® boards gives it a remarkable dimensional stability. It does not become deformed or twist and remains perfectly rigid over time, moreover, it is not likely to split or crack. Easy to maintain: No oil...No painting...No fungicide...nothing! Simply clean with soapy water or high pressure cleaner. The XylTECH® boards resists all forms of aggression: Excellent stability over time without greying. Water-resistant and non-moisture absorbing rot proof and fungus free Termite and insect proof Resistant to salt water corrosion Hard wearing Colour fast

Détails du produit

Modèle : XYLTECH
Marque : XYLTECH
Origine : Royaume-Uni Royaume-Uni
Délai de livraison : AU PROJET
Annuaire : construction, maison et jardin

Informations sur l'entreprise

Raison sociale : VT PLASTICS
Pays : France France
Capital : 5018400 €
Effectif : 39 personnes
Type de société : Producteur