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Recherches populaires: chaussures, farine de ble, fruits tropicaux, gingembre, noix de coco, riz +


Description : Since 2003, the company made use of pollution free gojiberries from Tiantan base in Zhouta, Zhongning County, Ningxia Province, to research and exploit goji juice concentrate with vacuum-concentration equipment. After production testing by the Ningxia Medical Institute, the Ningxia Analyzing and Testing Center, and others, the physical and chemical indicators have stood to the corporate standard. The juice concentrate are already mass produced and sold in international markets. Usually, the concentrate should be clear, but goji juice is cloudy, because, according to tests by American and Japanese clients, 70% nutrients of the gojiberries are contained in the pulp and pigment. Therefore, for the goji fruit juice industry, whether it is juice or juice concentrate, we should all use cloudy juice. The productions of goji juice concentrate needs to consider two main factors. First is the maximal concentration ratio. When the juice is highly concentrated, the product volume becomes smaller and more convenient for long distance transport. Second we must consider the pulp and pectin of the juice. Because of the pulp and pectin�s high viscosity, if it is too concentrated, the juice will become a paste. This caused great inconveniences to the filling and transportation. After numerous test and verifications, we have found the optimal concentration ratio, between 2.8 times to 3 times. We finally fixed the concentration at 35%~45%. This kind of manufacturing technique and method has earned a National Invention Patent. The Patent No. of Goji Juice Concentrate is ZL 10095412.4. Min Order: 1 ton

Détails du produit

Délai de livraison : 30 jours
Annuaire : boissons

Informations sur l'entreprise

Pays : Chine Chine
Type de société : Producteur