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Recherches populaires: anacarde, ciment, dattes, gomme arabique, sésame, sucre +


Description : THE BEST OF GREEN TEA NOW IN STRIPS Each box contains 20 case of 24 strips in aluminum pouch. Green tea has become a fashionable ingredient in the "health food" and beverage segments as well as in supplements. Consumers remember that green tea has been used in Asia for over 2000 years to prevent and treat many diseases. Also longevity has been associated with green tea. These facts offer product developers in the food and beverage industries excellent opportunities to reposition products. In opposite to common green tea extracts TEAVIGO™ does not significantly alter colour and taste of the food or beverage but adds the major benefits of pure green tea. TEAVIGO™ TG (tablet grade) is a product form that specifically meets the requirements of supplement manufacturers. Due to its highest purity and well defined specifications TEAVIGO™ is the optimum vehicle to meet manufacturers' and consumers' expectations regarding taste, quality and efficiency. Read more Price: JPY1200

Détails du produit

Modèle : Strips
Marque : Teavigo Strip
Origine : Japon Japon
Capacité de production : illimitee
Délai de livraison : 1 mois
Commande minimale : 30 000
Certification : ISO 9001
Mode de paiement : T/T
Annuaire : alimentation

Informations sur l'entreprise

Raison sociale : GDS
Pays : Japon Japon
Effectif : 5 personnes
Type de société : Producteur