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Description : is the ideal solution for many situations and applications; Such as, boats and yachts, buses, trains, passenger ships, fishing boats, military camps, emergency operations, offices, homes, construction sites and even underground mining business. Thuraya Cell is also an excellent tracking unit over Thuraya using SMS and GmPRS. As such, it is fully compatible with Teknobil's Smart Vehicle Tracking System Software and Thuraya Track Software. Features: • Voice communication through WiFi handset • Full-duplex hands-free communication • SIP server property to act as a local telephone exchange • Crystal clear sound quality • Access point for Internet via Thuraya satellite • Free Internal calls via Wi-Fi Handsets • GPS Tracking Functionality • Wireless Security: WEP, WPA, WPA2 • IEEE 802.11b/g

Détails du produit

Délai de livraison : 15
Annuaire : télécommunications

Informations sur l'entreprise

Raison sociale : NEWTECH
Pays : Tunisie Tunisie
Capital : 150 000 DT
Effectif : 15 personnes
Type de société : Producteur