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Description : MINERAL WATER 100 NATURAL FREE CHOLESTEROL WHICH RECEIVED GOLD MEDAL AT LUXEMBOURG IN 1990 AND AT PARIS IN 1994. We are a Tunisian exporting company and we propose you a very high quality mineral water for cheaper than free: Mineral water of 0,5 L and 1,5 L with the following characteristics: Total salts at (110°c) 300/ Calcium 81/ Magnesium 12/ Sodium 16/ Potassium 1/ Bicarbonates 247/ Sulfates 24/ chlorides 27/ Nitrates 16/ Fluorides 0,76/ ph 7,5. The price of a box of 6 bottles of 0,5 L of this water is 1,32 EURO so 0,22 EURO/bottle in FOB. The price of a box of 6 bottles of 1,5 L of this water is 1,98 EURO so 0,33 EURO/bottle in FOB. Mineral water of 2 L with the following characteristics: Total salts at ( 105°c) 278/ Calcium 46/ Magnesium 20/ Sodium 26/ Potassium 3/ Bicarbonates 229/ Sulfates 22/ Chlorides 32/ Nitrates 4/ Fluorides 0,77/ ph 7,6. The price of a box of 6 bottles of 2 L of this water is 2,34 EURO so 0,39 EURO/bottle in FOB. We give you all the needed certifications for this product with it and we can put your label on our product if you want. We sell in FOB so the prices are from the port of Rades in Tunis, Tunisia the containers and the routing to your final destination is on your disposition. Payement we accept only in advance by different types of bank transfers and we must sign a contract between our two companies to garantee a long bilateral commercial relationship. I hope that our proposition will not fall in the ear of a deaf and you will collaborate with us to embellish the life of some persons. Regards,

Détails du produit

Origine : Tunisie Tunisie
Capacité de production : illimité
Délai de livraison : 2 jours
Annuaire : boissons

Informations sur l'entreprise

Raison sociale : SOCIéTé LIBERTé NEGOCE INTER.
Pays : Tunisie Tunisie
Capital : 200000 DT
Effectif : 12 personnes
Type de société : Négociant