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Description : DIRECT AU FOURNISSEUR BASE AUX USA, NOUS SOMMES EN CHARGE DE VENDRE DU BLCO. CI DESSOUS LES DETAILS DE NOTRE OFFRE: I) PRODUCT: BONNY LIGHT CRUDE OIL (BLCO) II) ORIGINE: NIGERIA III) QUANTITE: 2,000,000 BBL X 12 IV) INCOTERM: TTO NIGERI WATERS V) THE DISCOUNT TO THE BUYER SHALL BE: - USD $11.00 Gross / USD $7.00 Net per barrel to the Buyer - Commission: $2.00 per barrel to Seller’s side (CLOSED) $2.00 per barrel to Buyer’s side (FULLY OPEN) II) PROCEDURE TTO NIGERIA : 1. Seller and Buyer sign sales / purchase agreement and send copy to their respective banks. The electronic copy is legally binding. 2. Buyer returns the SPA with their ATB/INSPECTORS/TUGBOAT details and an email from inspector’s domain confirming they are RWA to conduct Q&Q on behalf of the buyer on receipt of a marine ATB. Seller Issues a confirm-able Marine ATB and clearance. 3. Buyer’s Inspector and supercargo go on board in Nigeria waters and conduct Q&Q tests at buyer’s expense. The test report must be given to both the Seller and Buyer. 4. After a successful Q&Q, the Buyer’s supercargo remains on board while the Buyers bank swift an Irrevocable, Transferable, Divisible, Assignable and Callable SBLC via MT760 for the Total Cargo as per the verbiage provided on this SPA. 5. Buyer is then allowed to re-charter the Vessel. 6. Payment is made to the Seller and all commissioned agents via swift wire transfer. Then the Cargo documents are given to the Buyer in his name 7. Vessel is allowed to sail to port of discharge. 8. Next cargo POUR TOUTE PERSONNE INTERESSE CONTACTE NOUS A NOTRE EMAIL CI-SUIT: MERCI POUR: AFRICASEALINE HERVE N'ZI

Détails du produit

Origine : Nigeria Nigeria
Délai de livraison : 48 H A 78 H
Annuaire : matériel pour l'industrie chimique

Informations sur l'entreprise

Raison sociale : AFRICASEALINE
Pays : Côte-d'Ivoire Côte-d'Ivoire
Capital : 3000000
Effectif : 12 personnes
Type de société : Négociant