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Recherches populaires: bois, figue de barbarie, fruits tropicaux, maïs, noix de coco, transport +


Description : SPECIFICATIONS CEMENT 42,5 GREY PORTLAND CEMENT FOR CONSTRUCTION GRADE 42.5 ACCORDING TO BRITISH AND SABS STANDARDS DIN EN 197-1/2000 OR ASTM C 150 Chemical Composition SILICON DIOXIDE (SIO2)20.08 - 21.50 ALUMINIUM OXIDE (A12O3) 5.30 FERRIC OXIDE (FE2O3) 3.25 – 3.50 CALCIUM OXIDE (CAO) 65.60 MAGNESIUM OXIDE (MGO) 1.70 – 3.00 SULPHUR TRIOXIDE (SO3) 2.70 – 3.00 LOSS OF IGNITION (LOI) 1.80 – 3.00 INSOLUBLE RESIDUE % 0.1 – 0.7 TRICALCIUM SILICATE (C3S) 50.00 – 54.40 DICALCIUM SILICATE (C2S) 14.2 – 18.20 TRICALCIUM ALUMINATE (C3A) 6.00 – 6.80 TRICALCIUM ALUMINO FERRICE (C4AF) 11.60 CHROMIUM (CR%) 2.0 MAX Physical and Mechanical Properties BLAIN CM2/GR 3.250 AUTOCLAVE EXPANTION 0.02 NORMAL CONSISTENCY % 27.5 INITIAL SETTING TIME (VICAT)(HOURS-MINS) 3.25-4.50 HARD SET (HOURS-MINS) 4.54 – 6.00 FITNESS INDEX (CM2/GM) 2800-3040 COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH ISO/EN 197-1/2000 BS 4550 MORTAR @ 03 DAYS 2.65 – 34.2 KG/CM2 @ 07 DAYS 37.3 – 42.5 KG/CM2 @ 28 DAYS 52.8 – 54.6 KG/CM2 PROCEDURES: 1 - Seller to prepare FCO (note procedures with acceptance from buyer on FCO) 2 - Buyer to approve FCO with return to seller with a bcl ( never a soft probe) 3 - Seller to prepare sale and purchase draft contract.(BCL necessary) 4 - Buyer review and return contract by Email. and may make minor adjustments at this time buyer must present a draft copy of the lc (DLC)that will be issued for approval. 5-Buyer then signs final contract with the buyer, sends the signed Contract e-mail, simontaniously prints four copies. 5a- Four copies and send by courier to the seller 5b- Upon receiving the hard copies, the seller will return 2 copies with signature to buyer by courier 6 - Buyers Bank choose the payment method and issue as Pre Advice. 7 - Sellers Bank issue performance bond. This will activate the non operative Financial Instrument. 8 - Delivery begins contract terms and conditions.

Détails du produit

Origine : Ukraine Ukraine
Délai de livraison : 35 jours
Commande minimale : 12 500 MT
Certification : ISO 9000
Incoterms : 2000
Mode de paiement : BG/SBLC/FFRDLC/
Annuaire : construction

Informations sur l'entreprise

Raison sociale : AMILCO-BENIN SARL
Pays : Bénin Bénin
Capital : 15 000 000
Effectif : 5 personnes
Type de société : Société de services