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Recherches populaires: chaussures, figue de barbarie, friperie, fruits tropicaux, gingembre, sésame +


Description : ELECTROSTATİC DYED WITH SINGLE SERVO MOTION CONTROL PACKAGING MACHINE PACKAGING DETAILS Suitable heat-sealable films such as paper or aluminium laminations, OPP , BOPP cellophane with ready stick sides and cold sealable films of same quality. The range of goods that can be packed : chocolates, sweet confectioneries, biscuits, cakes, halva, sandwiches, finger foods, and other applications such as sponges, cleaning cloths, soaps, rubbish bags, and other solid products can also be packed. This machine's packing capacity is approximately 150-200 pac/min.The capacity is dependent on used wrapping material type and stick type (hot or cold) and also sizes of product been packaged. From 40-80 gr. to 1 kg. can be packaged on this model without any other additional parts added.

Détails du produit

Modèle : OPMS 1002
Marque : ORME
Origine : Turquie Turquie
Capacité de production : 150-200 PAC/MIN
Délai de livraison : IMMEDIATE
Commande minimale : 1
Certification : OUI
Mode de paiement : CASH-TT-L/C
Annuaire : import-export, matériel informatique

Informations sur l'entreprise

Pays : Turquie Turquie
Type de société : Producteur